About us
VauQuadrat GmbH was founded on September 1, 2009 by Thomas and Claudia Vauderwange as an engineering office for measurement and environmental technology.
Under the guiding principle of the ‘waterfall of innovation’, VauQuadrat aims to provide customers with intelligent solutions to the most complex technical challenges in a timely manner.
Initially as an importer of depth induction devices, a great deal has been invested in the development of application technology since the early days, which over the years has led to these unique solutions, among others:
- Minimally invasive, thermal straightening, also of fine-grain, heat-treated and hardfacing steels
- “Voluntary preheating” as an economical universal problem solver for many welding problems
- Destroy rust with ultra-fast temperature changes in the range below 200°C for easier disassembly in workshops
- Quick and complete stripping of coatings (including lead nails!) from metal surfaces – even from high-voltage pylons!
- Process-safe hard and soft soldering
In 2019, VauQuadrat became a manufacturer itself after the previous supplier discontinued the range of deep induction units. Since then, the new building in Offenburg-Elgersweier, which was completed at the same time, has been home to assembly, including refrigeration machine construction for the V2-V3-V4-V5-V6-V7-V9 appliance family, with support from regional suppliers.
We have been listed as an “SME company of excellence” since March 2021: The German Economy
The first ISO9001:2015 certification took place in May 2021.
VauQuadrat was honored as TOP100 Innovator 2022.
As of the end of 2023, VauQuadrat employs around 30 people.